Theological Questions
The Theological Questions
The Quaestiones theologiae of Stephen Langton will be published in four volumes, following the division into four thematic groups proposed by the so-called “First Index” (MS Cambridge, St. John’s College Library, C7, f. 345vb-346rb):
Book I (published in 2014, Auctores Britannici Medii Aevi, 22): Theological Language, Trinity, God’s Relationship to the World (23 questions.)
- Book II Creation, The Fall of Man, Sin (over 35 questions)
- Book III Incarnation, Christology, Virtues, Gifts (over 80 questions.)
- Book IV Sacraments and Last Things (over 35 questions)
The Catalogue of the Quaestiones: R. Quinto, “Doctor Nominatissimus”. Stefano Langton († 1228) e la tradizione delle sue opere, Aschendorff, Münster 1994 (BGPTMA. NF, 39). See: Working catalogue (All rights reserved by Riccardo Quinto)